Letter of Support from Mr. Simeon Stoilov, Consul General of the Republic of Bulgaria in Chicago between 2011-2015
May 27th, 2016
The Boards of Directors and
Mrs. Dilyana Ivanova
Chief Administrative Consultant of the
American Research Center in Bulgaria Inc. (ARCB Inc.)
American Research Center in Sofia (ARCS-Foundation)
Dear Mrs. Ivanova
Dear Members of the Boards of Directors of ARCB/ARCS
Let me extend my deepest appreciation for your work, for the scope of your initiatives and your achievements in promoting Bulgaria, Bulgarian history and culture as well as your extensive and exemplary work in research and education. It was a special honor to have the Consulate General of Bulgarian in Chicago and me personally as a partner for the promotion of the web portal www.immigrant.bg to the Bulgarian Community earlier this summer. It will be a special honor for me and exceptional pleasure to continue the collaboration in that particular initiative!
The web portal “www.immigrant.bg”, entitled THE IMMIGRANT’S SUITCASE: Virtual Museum of the Eastern European immigrants in North America is a necessity for the Bulgarian expat communities in North America and especially for the self estimation of the young and coming generations. I personally believe that the progress of future generations comes after a profound knowledge of their background and roots. Knowing the past is a great tool of looking to the future and I have no doubt that for the local Bulgarian expats the comprehension of belonging to a larger social family (Eastern Europe) even across the Atlantic will strengthen their existing commitment to work and live in open for collaborations society.
In this regards I am humble and grateful for your kind proposal to be a patron and partner of your cause as I will gladly assist you with the best of my ability for expanding the network and connections within the Consular District of the Consulate General of Bulgaria in Chicago (the whole Midwest of the US) and to develop a tool that will consistently work for the ethnical awareness and preservation of the cultural and historical legacy of the Americans of any Eastern European origin, among which Bulgarians have an integral part.
I believe that your project will help the local Bulgarians to better self-define themselves and building a community of Bulgarian-Americans who pass an extensive knowledge about their ancestors and origin will be of mutual benefit for the strengthening of the cultural, educational and economic ties between Bulgaria and the United States of America as well as the growing integrity and ties into their respective neighborhoods’ societies.
I wish a success in your future projects and let me know of the next steps that we could take for further development of the latter initiative!
Yours sincerely,
Simeon Stoilov
Consul General